What Is Redlining? Definition, Legality, and Effects


Investopedia / Daniel Fishel

What Is Redlining?

Redlining is a discriminatory practice that puts services—usually financial services—out of reach for residents of certain areas based on race or ethnicity. Redlining is illegal.

Evidence of redlining is the systematic denial of mortgages, insurance, loans, and other financial services based on location—and that area’s default history—rather than on an individual’s qualifications and creditworthiness. Notably, the practice of redlining is felt the most by residents of minority neighborhoods.

Key Takeaways

  • Redlining is the discriminatory practice of denying services—typically financial services—to residents of certain areas based on their race or ethnicity.
  • Under fair lending laws, these factors cannot be used to make lending or underwriting decisions.
  • Redlining is most often associated with mortgage lending practices, but can also be seen in student loans, business loans, car loans, and personal loans.
  • Due to discriminatory lending practices, homeownership and wealth in redlined communities is much lower than in non-minority communities.
  • Today, redlining is an illegal practice.

How Redlining Works

The term “redlining” was coined by sociologist John McKnight in the 1960s and is derived from the practice—used by the federal government and lenders—of literally drawing a red line on a map around the neighborhoods where they would not invest based on demographics alone.

Black, inner-city neighborhoods were most likely to be redlined. Investigations found that lenders would make loans to lower-income White borrowers but not to middle- or upper-income Black borrowers.

Unable to get regular mortgages, Black residents who wanted to own a house often were forced to resort to exploitatively priced housing contracts that massively increased the cost of housing and gave them no equity until their last payment was delivered. Chicago's Contract Buyers League was formed in the 1960s by a group of inner-city residents to fight these practices.

Effects of Redlining

In the 1930s, the federal government began redlining real estate, delineating “risky” neighborhoods for federal mortgage loans based on the race of the residents. The result of this redlining in real estate could still be felt decades later. In 1996, homes in redlined neighborhoods were worth less than half that of the homes in what the government had deemed as “best” for mortgage lending, according to research by home-sale company Zillow. That disparity has only grown greater in the following two decades.

Examples of redlining can be found in a variety of financial services, including not only mortgages but also student loans, credit cards, and insurance. Although the Community Reinvestment Act was passed in 1977 to help prevent redlining, critics say discrimination continues to occur.

For example, redlining has been used to describe discriminatory practices by retailers, both brick-and-mortar and online. Reverse redlining is the practice of targeting neighborhoods (mostly non-white) for higher prices or lending on unfair terms, such as predatory lending of subprime mortgages.

There's also evidence of what Midwest BankCentre CEO Orv Kimbrough calls "corporate redlining." As reported by The Business Journals, since peaking before the 2008 financial crisis, the annual number of loans to Black-owned businesses through the U.S. Small Business Administration's 7(a) program decreased by 84%, compared to a 53% decline in 7(a) loans awarded overall.

The report also found an overall trend of significantly less lending to businesses in Black-majority neighborhoods, compared to White-majority ones. 

Legality of Redlining

Courts have determined that redlining is illegal when lending institutions use race as a basis for excluding neighborhoods from access to loans. In addition, the Fair Housing Act, which is part of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, prohibits discrimination in lending to individuals in neighborhoods based on their racial composition. However, the law does not prohibit excluding neighborhoods or regions on the basis of geological factors, such as fault lines or flood zones.

The destructive legacy of redlining has been more than economic. A 2020 study by researchers at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, the University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, and the University of Richmond found that "the history of redlining, segregation, and disinvestment not only reduced minority wealth, it impacted health and longevity, resulting in a legacy of chronic disease and premature death in many high minority neighborhoods.... On average, life expectancy is lower by 3.6 years in redlined communities, when compared to the communities that existed at the same time, but were high-graded by the HOLC."

While redlining neighborhoods or regions based on race, religion, national origin, sex, or marital status is illegal under U.S. law, lending institutions are allowed to take economic factors into account when making loans. Lending institutions are not required to approve all loan applications on the same terms and may impose higher rates or stricter repayment terms on some borrowers, but the reason for doing so cannot be any of the prohibited bases.

Lenders are not forbidden from redlining areas with regard to geological factors, such as fault lines or flood zones.

What Factors Are Lenders Allowed to Consider?

Banks may legally take the following factors into consideration when deciding whether to make loans to applicants and on what terms:

  • Credit history: Lenders may legally evaluate an applicant’s creditworthiness as determined by FICO scores and reports from credit bureaus.
  • Income: Lenders may consider an applicant’s regular source of funds, which can include income from employment, business ownership, investments, or annuities.
  • Property condition: A lending institution may evaluate the property on which it is making the loan as well as the condition of nearby properties. These evaluations must be based strictly on economic considerations.
  • Neighborhood amenities and city services: Lenders may take into account amenities that enhance or detract from the value of a property.
  • The lending institution’s portfolio: Lending institutions may take into account their requirements to have a portfolio that is diversified by region, structure type, and loan amount.

Housing discrimination is illegal. If you think you've been discriminated against based on race, religion, sex, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability, or age, there are steps you can take. One such step is to file a report to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Lenders must evaluate each of the above factors without regard to the race, religion, national origin, sex, or marital status of the applicant.

Mortgage applicants and homebuyers who believe that they might have been discriminated against can take their concerns to a fair housing center, the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at HUD, or in the case of mortgages and other home loans, the CFPB.

Where Does the Term "Redlining" Come From?

The term “redlining” was coined by sociologist John McKnight in the 1960s. It is derived from the literal practice—used by the federal government and lenders beginning in the 1930s—of drawing a red line on a map around the neighborhoods they would not invest in based on the racial demographics of the neighborhood.

Why Is Redlining Discriminatory?

Redlining is a discriminatory practice because it puts services—usually financial services—out of reach for residents of certain areas based on race or ethnicity. Evidence of redlining can be observed in the systematic denial of mortgages, insurance, loans, and other financial services based on location rather than on the individual’s qualifications and creditworthiness. Black inner-city neighborhoods were most likely to be redlined.

What Factors Can Banks Use When Making Loans?

Banks and other lending institutions are allowed to take economic factors into account when making loans. If these decisions are based solely on economic factors, then lending institutions are not required to approve all loan applications on the same terms and may impose higher rates or stricter repayment terms on some borrowers. However, according to U.S. law, they cannot base their approval decisions on race, religion, national origin, sex, or marital status.

The Bottom Line

Redlining represents a shameful chapter in the long history of American racial discrimination. By denying federal housing loans to people in minority communities, the federal government effectively denied the benefits of homeownership to millions of American citizens. Although racial redlining is now illegal, unofficial forms of discrimination continue to this day.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. The Federal Reserve. "Federal Reserve Bulletin: Volume 77, Number 11," Page 872.

  2. Zillow. "Home Values Remain Low in Vast Majority of Formerly Redlined Neighborhoods."

  3. Office of The Comptroller of The Currency. "Community Reinvestment Act," Page 1.

  4. The Business Journals. "One System, (Un)equal Access."

  5. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "History of Fair Housing."

  6. National Community Reinvestment Coalition. "Redlining and Neighborhood Health."

  7. The Federal Reserve. "Federal Fair Lending Regulations and Statutes Fair Housing Act," Page 1.

  8. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "Housing Discrimination Under The Fair Housing Act."

  9. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "About FHEO File a Complaint."

  10. Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. "Having a Problem With a Financial Product or Service?"

  11. Federal Trade Commission. "Your Equal Credit Opportunity Rights."

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